Medical Physics and Bioengineering |
Presentations & Publications
Presentations & Publications
Full Papers:
- Abramowicz JS, Barnett SB, Duck FA, Edmonds PD, Hynynen KH, Ziskin MC. Fetal thermal effects of diagnostic ultrasound. J Ultrasound Med 2008;27:541-559
- Gooding M, Finlay J, Shipley JA, Halliwell M, Duck FA . Three-dimensional Ultrasound Imaging of Mammary Ducts in Lactating Women: A Feasibility Study. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2010; 29, 1, 95 – 103
- Finlay J. Bad Science – Book review for IPEM magazine Scope, Jun 09
- Finlay J. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation – Book review for IPEM magazine Scope, Sep 09
- Hiscock SC, Evans MJ, Morton RJ, Hall DO. Investigation of normal ranges for left ventricular ejection fraction in cardiac gated blood pool imaging studies using different processing workstations. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2008 29:103-109
- Sawyer LJ, Starritt HC, Hiscock SC, Evans MJ. Effective doses to patients from CT acquisitions on the GE Infinia Hawkeye: A comparison of Calculated methods. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2008 29:144-149
- Abramowicz JS, Barnett SB, Duck FA, Edmonds PD, Hynynen KH, Ziskin MC. Fetal thermal effects of diagnostic ultrasound. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2008;27:541-559
- Rowlands A, Duck FA, Cunningham JL. Bone vibration measurement using ultrasound: Application to detection of hip prosthesis loosening. Med Eng & Phys 2008;30:278-284.
- Duck FA. Hazards, risks and safety of diagnostic ultrasound. Med Eng & Phys 2008;30:1338-1348.
- Sawyer L, Evans M. Radiation Doses in Nuclear Medicine; Rad Magazine, August 2008 p19-20
- Sawyer L, : Editor and contributor to: 2008 IPEM Annual Scientific Meeting Report; Scope, December 2008, p25-34
- Guide to Electrical Safety Testing of medical equipment – the why and the how, Grant LJ et al. IPEM publications, in press
- 50 Hz mains and low frequency measurements, Grant LJ in ‘Electromagnetic fields in the medical environment’ Chapter 5 IPEM publications, in press
- Radiofrequency issues at sub-microwave frequencies, Grant LJ in ‘Electromagnetic fields in the medical environment’ Chapter 6 IPEM publications , in press.
- Mobile communications equipment, Grant LJ in ‘Electromagnetic fields in the medical environment’ Chapter 7 IPEM publications, in press
- Sawyer LJ, Whittle SA, Matthews ES, Starritt HC, Jupp TP. Estimation of organ and effective doses resulting from cone beam CT imaging for radiotherapy treatment planning: British Journal of Radiology
- Thompson J, Shipley J, Harris N, Bhalla A, Glew D, Robinson G, Hillman M, Duck FA. 3D ultrasound imaging for the detection and monitoring of joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis. Proc 14th IPEM ASM Bath, 2008, p34.
- Duck FA. Ultrasound exposure and acoustic dose. Proc 14th IPEM ASM, Bath, 2008, p6.
- Duck FA. A definition of acoustic dose. Ultrasound 2009;17:44.
- Martin EM, Duck FA, Ellis RE, Winlove CP. Ultrasound induced contraction of the carotid artery in vitro. Ultrasound 2009;44:60.
- Tooley MA: Measuring consciousness in Intensive care. Invited lecture to the Sleep, consciousness and intensive care conference, Royal Society of medicine, London, 2008.
- Tooley MA: Experiences with auditory evoked potentials in anaesthesia, Invited lecture to Evoked potentials workshop with EPSRC, Southampton University, 2008.
- Grant L: The safety of time varying fields in MRI, South West Non-ionising radiation protection group, Bristol, 2008
- Hyde DJ: Risk and maintenance - what and why? IPEM Conference on Risk and Maintenance, Birmingham 2009
- Sawyer L: 4th Digital Radiology User Group Meeting, Feb 09; ‘Optimisation of Carestream CR Chest Images using an Anatomical Chest Phantom’
- Sawyer L: South West IPEM meeting, 10th May 2008, ‘IPEM Futures’
- Evans M: UWE Nuclear Medicine Cardiac Study Day March 20th, “Reporting MPI scans”
- Jupp T, Hiscock S, Starritt H, Sawyer L. 2008 IPEM Annual Scientific Meeting, Bath, “Evaluation of image quality and dose in digital mammography”
- King LR: 2008 Biennnial Radiotherapy meeting, Bath, “Irradiation and rheological studies of hyaluronic acid.
- Patent submitted 2008: Tooley and Magee, Novel method of measuring blood pressure.