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For Clinicians


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Clinical Details - Case 4

Question 1

The above history could be compatible with Alzheimer's dementia (AD) or dementia with Lewy Bodies. Can DaTSCAN help differentiate?


Yes, AD patients should have a s normal scan where as those with Lewy Body dementia show similar abnormalities to those seen in IPD. Although some subgroups of Alzheimer's patients may benefit from treatment with neuroleptics, Lewy Body dementia patients can have life threatening side effects with this type of medication so this distinction is an important one to make.

Question 2

Is the scan above normal or abnormal?


Abnormal. Reduced tracer specific binding is seen in the caudate nucleus and putamen bilaterally, more pronounced on the left. Another helpful feature here is that the background counts are raised (purple areas elsewhere in the brain, compare with normal scan in Case 1). This helps to confirm that the tracer binding in the caudate and putamen is truely reduced.

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The text is entirely the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect that of RUH NHS Trust or the Bristol Radiology Training Scheme. Website content devised by Paul McCoubrie.