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Blood Sciences

Blood Test Information

Cortisol and cortisone (salivary)

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Test Code: SVC

Special instructions
Please contact Biochemistry on ext. 4050 for detailed instructions of collection procedure and collection tubes.

Sample type

Sent away to Bristol Royal Infirmary
Contact Laboratory before requesting

Reference range
Please see report, or contact the laboratory.

Turnaround Time
28 days

Department: Biochemistry

Clinical Application
Salivary cortisol and cortisone analysis is useful for the investigation of possible Cushing’s syndrome and may be performed alongside, or instead of, a 24-hour urine cortisol. In Cushing’s syndrome, the diurnal variation of cortisol is lost, which can be demonstrated via analysis of a midnight and early morning salivary cortisol.

Webpage updated: July 2024.


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