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Blood Sciences

Blood Test Information

17-OH Progesterone
minimum sample volume required ~ 5ml

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Test Code: 17P

Tube type: SST

Special instructions
Blood spot may also be used in some cases. Do not take within 48 hours of birth.

NOTE: Blood spots can be used for monitoring known cases only, but plasma is required for urgent diagnosis. At least 2 blood spots taken onto ‘Guthrie’ filter cards. Allow to dry, put into polythene bag to send to the lab.
Sent away to the Endocrine laboratory, Department of Medical Biochemistry, University of Wales, Cardiff
Contact Laboratory before requesting

Reference range
Reference ranges are age and sex dependent, please see report or contact lab.


Turnaround Time
14 days

Department: Biochemistry

Clinical Application
17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) is used in the diagnosis and monitoring of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency and in the identification of heterozygotes and diagnosis of mild, also referred to as late-onset and cryptic forms of CAH.

Clinical indications for testing include:
- ambiguous genitalia (female infants)
- clinical symptoms of "salt-wasting" (dehydration, vomiting, listlessness)
- precociousness or failure of puberty
- anovulation/menstrual irregularity
- virilisation

Sequential measurement of 17-OHP as part of a short synacthen test (request 17-OHP as well as cortisol) is used in the investigation of suspected 21-hydroxylase deficiency where basal values are non-diagnostic.

Webpage updated: June 2024


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