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Cellular Pathology

Labelling of Specimens and Completion of Request Form

Every specimen that is sent to the Cellular Pathology Department must be accompanied by a fully completed Histopathology or Cytopathology request form. The specimen container must also bear a fully completed label.

The details on the specimen container must correspond with those on the request form. Any specimen arriving in the laboratory without a completed request form, in an unlabelled container or with details that do not correspond, will not be processed until the specimen has been correctly identified and labelled by the submitting clinician.

There are priority tick boxes on the right hand side of the request form to allow appropriate triaging of specimens through the laboratory. Any small specimen eg endoscopic biopsy ticked as urgent will be fast tracked and we expect to report 90% of these within 2 working days of receipt.

If an urgent result is required, the sender must indicate a contact extension or bleep number to allow the delivery of an oral report.

Each request accepted by the laboratory for examination(s) shall be considered an agreement.

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