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Patients & Visitors

Cardiac Centre Clinics

Rapid Access Chest Pain

Who should be seen?

This clinic is aimed at patients who have suffered chest discomfort or similar symptoms possibly suggestive as heart pain (‘Angina’). The clinic offers a short waiting time (under 2 weeks) to enable an outpatient consultation with one of the Rapid Access Chest pain team who are skilled in evaluating your history and symptoms.

What happens during a visit to the clinic?

The lead member will consult with you over your recent symptoms and listen to your heart and lungs. You will have ECG, blood pressure height and weight taken, prior to your consultation.

The outcome of the consultation will depend upon your symptoms, but if felt likely to relate to typical angina you may undergo one of the following investigations:

  1. CT Coronary angiogram
  2. Myocardial perfusion scan
  3. Stress echocardiogram
  4. Cardiac MRI
  5. Invasive coronary angiogram

The clinic hopes to eliminate the heart as a source of concern for your symptoms, some individuals require further tests or medications to help. You will be kept informed on the day of your visit.

Usually clinics run on time but please allow an hour at the hospital to cover this appointment.

Please ensure you bring a list of your current medications with you.

Where will I be seen?

Cardiac Centre, 3rd Floor Central, Royal United Hospital, Bath

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