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Find & Contact us

Travelling to the RUH

Visiting the RUH
Please take a look at our current visiting and face mask requirements.

We aim to be a sustainable organisation that's fit for the future. We encourage patients and visitors to leave your car at home and use alternative means of travel to the hospital. You can get here by bus, train or bicycle, or on foot - the Newbridge Park and Ride is within walking distance - helping to cut pollution, improve air quality and enhance the environment.

Help with travel costs
If you have been referred to the RUH for treatment or tests, and receive certain benefits you may be able to claim a refund of reasonable travel costs under the Health Care Travel Costs Scheme (HTCS) – find out more.

Public Transport Cycling Car Parking
Public Transport Cycling & Walking Cars & Motorcycles

Royal United Hospitals Bath
NHS Foundation Trust

Combe Park
Bath BA1 3NG

Main Switchboard:
01225 428331

Appointment contacts

Appointment Centre
Online contact form
01225 821821
Breast Unit
01225 825882
Audiology 01225 824035
Cardiac Centre 01225 821534
Eye Clinic 01225 824602
Fracture Clinic 01225 825602
Gynaecology Clinic 01225 824646
Oral Surgery 01225 824260

Full department list

Royal United Hospitals Bath
NHS Foundation Trust

Combe Park
Bath BA1 3NG

Main Switchboard:
01225 428331

Appointment contacts

Appointment Centre
Online contact form
01225 821821
Breast Unit
01225 825882
Audiology 01225 824035
Cardiac Centre 01225 821534
Eye Clinic 01225 824602
Fracture Clinic 01225 825602
Gynaecology Clinic 01225 824646
Oral Surgery 01225 824260

Full department list

Royal United Hospitals Bath
NHS Foundation Trust

Combe Park
Bath BA1 3NG

Main Switchboard:
01225 428331

Appointment contacts

Appointment Centre
Online contact form
01225 821821
Breast Unit
01225 825882
Audiology 01225 824035
Cardiac Centre 01225 821534
Eye Clinic 01225 824602
Fracture Clinic 01225 825602
Gynaecology Clinic 01225 824646
Oral Surgery 01225 824260

Full department list

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Before you go ...

An illustration of a person holding up a large magnifying glass

Please tell us how we can improve our website

We are currently developing a new website for the RUH, and we'd appreciate your feedback.

Please take a moment to fill out our survey and help us build a website fit for the future.