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Patients & Visitors


Keeping your baby safe and well

Community midwives will support you in caring for your baby in the first ten days. For full information on checks, newborn screening, safe sleep and things to look out for, please see Caring for your baby on our shared Maternity pages with Swindon and Salisbury.

Coping with a crying baby

During this challenging time stress levels at home may be increased and it is important to find ways to cope with a crying baby. Infant crying is normal, and it will stop! Babies start to cry more frequently from around 2 weeks of age. After about 8 weeks of ages babies start to cry less each week. It's okay to walk away if you have checked if baby is safe and the crying is getting to you.

Never, ever shake or hurt your baby - it can cause lasting brain damage or death

Follow the ICON guidance for coping with crying:

I - Infant crying is normal
C - Comforting methods can help
O - It's OK to walk away
N - Never, ever shake your baby

Useful links for further information:

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