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William Budd Ward


About the Ward

A spacious side room in William Budd ward

William Budd Ward staff are dedicated to the care of patients from 16 years of age with diagnosis of cancer who are undergoing intensive chemotherapy or radiotherapy. We also care for those who require an inpatient stay to help manage symptoms caused by their cancer or cancer treatment.

The ward has 22 beds which includes three single-sex bays of four beds each and ten single rooms. Five of the single rooms have positive pressure air filtration for patients who require intensive chemotherapy and /or stem cell transplantation the remaining five single rooms are for those who require isolation for medical reasons.

Each bed area has a patient entertainment system. There is a spacious day room with an adjoining patio area where patients can go to read, watch television or listen to music or relax with their visitors.

The Ward Team

William Budd Ward nursing team is led by Melanie Burcombe Senior Sister. They are supported by junior sisters, senior and junior staff nurses, nurse associates and healthcare assistants.

The ward is overseen by the Matron Caroline Gilleece.

Ongoing professional development for both nurses and healthcare assistants is actively encouraged as we believe this improves the care provided to patients.

Each patient is given a named nurse at the start of every shift which runs:

Day Shift: 7:30am – 8pm
Night Shift: 7:30pm – 8am

Handover between shifts includes a safety brief followed by bedside handover where the patient will be included in the planning of their care.

Between 9am and 5pm, Monday - Friday, the ward is supported by a ward clerk. Domestic staff are available between 7:30am-2pm and 4:30pm-7pm.

Personal Belongings

The preparing to go to hospital page has important information about what to bring when you're admitted to hospital.

Contact the Ward

General Enquiries:
01225 825092 or 01225 825093

Patients Cordless Phone:
01225 824744

Location, directions and parking

William Budd Ward is located at A35 on the first floor of the Dyson Cancer Centre.

The Dyson Cancer Centre building is next to the main entrance of the hospital and close to the P1 car park. There are drop-off bays outside the centre and a bus stop opposite, providing frequent services to and from the city centre.

Visiting Times

Visiting times – Open Visiting during the day.  

You may sometimes be asked to wait outside or take a seat in the ward day room for a few minutes while treatment is carried out. Visits by children should be kept to a minimum must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.

Open visiting 24/7 is available for extremely poorly patients. We also ask for no more than two visitors per bed at any one time.

If you have a cough, cold, stomach upset, are vomiting or have any other possibly infectious condition, please contact the ward for advice before visiting.

When visiting, if you have any questions or concerns please speak to the nurse looking after your relative or the nurse in charge of shift, ward sister or matron. Please note that we cannot discuss your relative or friends condition without their consent.

Ward telephone numbers 01225 825092 or 01225 825093

Consultant medical staff




Ward rounds are conducted from Monday to Friday by the senior house officer +/- specialist registrar. These will take place in the morning or afternoon depending upon the clinical needs of each patient.

Consultant ward rounds take place throughout the week. If you would like a friend or family member with you to discuss your care with the consultant medical team please ask the nurse caring for you or your relative for specific day of week / time of day.

Other disciplines

The ward staff are supported by multiple professionals including pharmacists, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, dieticians, discharge liaison nurses and clinical nurse specialists. The Royal United Hospital support the education of Student nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and other healthcare workers who are on placement in our team throughout the year. Whilst students should be encouraged and welcomed, patients are asked for their consent should the student come into contact with them. The patient has the right to refuse.


The quality of care at the Royal United Hospital is checked regularly through surveys and questionnaires:

Recommend staff for an award

The RUH recognises staff that give exceptional customer care provide to one another and to patients through our Chief Executive's Customer Care Award which is awarded on a monthly basis. If you have been impressed with any individual and would like to nominate them, please ask a member of staff.

Charities that support us

Excellent standards of patient care and environment are recognised at the Royal United Hospital as being vital to the experience of patients. The Royal United Hospital charity shares this belief and is raising money towards the new cancer unit to improve the facilities for patients and relatives.

See more at RUHX the official hospital charity website

The Dyson Cancer Centre is also supported by the Bath Cancer Unit Support Group (BCUSG) who are currently raising funds to support the opening of an outreach chemotherapy service in Frome. See more at the website :

The RUH Carers' Policy sets out a framework for clear and effective communication between patients, carers and the Trust.

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