Spontaneous wriggling or writhing movements which can occur when the medicine is working (i.e. the patient is 'on').
A rhythmic, oscillating movement, most commonly of the hands and or limbs.
When the patient is adequately treated and movements are reasonably fluent and spontaneous.
When when the patient's medication has worn off and movements are slow, deliberate and difficult. Other less visible symptoms of pain and distress may be a feature for some patients.
A noticeable transition from 'on' to 'off' occurring between doses of medication.
An umbrella term for the motor complications of more 'brittle' advanced disease. Patients can fluctuate from 'off', to 'on' and "on with dyskinesia." The change may be gradual or a sudden switch.

For Clinicians

Parkinson's Disease

Welcome to the RUH Parkinson's Disease (PD) Website

"Parkinson's Disease is often not what brings patients in to hospital, but it can be what keeps them in if we don't get their care right."
We estimate that around 900 people with PD live within the catchment area of the Royal United Hospital and so most clinical staff will be looking after people with PD from time to time, whatever their specialty.

Here we have put together information, reminders and guidance aimed at supporting best clinical care and avoiding common pitfalls.

Current research

Research into Parkinson's Disease is improving our understanding and care of the condition all the time. These bulletins, put together by the Jason Ovens, Library & Knowledge Service Manager at the RUH, give a summary of recent work from the world's journals.

July 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023

July 2023

June 2023

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

September 2022

August 2022

May 2022

February 2022

November 2021

October 2021

August 2021

July 2021

June 2021

February 2021

January 2021

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

September 2020

August 2020

July 2020

June 2020

May 2020

February 2020

January 2020

December 2019

November 2019

August 2019

June 2019

March 2019

February 2019

November 2018

October 2018

September 2018

August 2018

July 2018

June 2018

May 2018

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018

December 2017

October 2017

September 2017

August 2017

July 2017

June 2017

May 2017

January 2017

November 2016

October 2016

September 2016

August 2016

May 2016

March 2016

February 2016

January 2016

October 2015

August 2015

June 2015

February 2015

December 2014

October 2014

August 2014

June 2014

February 2014

October 2013

June 2013

April 2013

February 2013

December 2012

October 2012

September 2012

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