Patients & Visitors

Bath Centre for Pain Services


About us

At Bath Centre for Pain Services (BCPS) we provide very specialist treatment for people with chronic pain. We have services for people of all ages from young children to older adults.

We are a National Specialist Centre, so we only see people who have already had some treatment in their local region - but perhaps where they have not made the progress that was wanted. Chronic pain often can't be cured, so we help people to have better lives by getting physically fitter, mentally clearer, and learning coping strategies. This can be done, even if pain is still there.

We usually see people who have seen a few different doctors and tried a range of different treatments. Our treatment is provided by our specialist team which includes physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nurses and doctors. Treatment is mainly rehabilitation (exercise, coping skills) rather than medications or medical procedures.

As National Specialist centre we treat people from across ths UK. If people have followed a care pathway where they have seen their local services and pain clinic they can be referred to us and will be fully funded. We are also able to carry out research on understanding pain and effective treatment. We have visitors from all across the world and often help to train other clinicians nationally.

What we offer

People who come to BCPS have a long, careful assessment by a medical Consultant and a Clinical Psychologist. This allows us to understand the person's problems medically and also how it impacts their daily lives, mood and wellbeing. We can then recommend the best treatment for that individual.

We offer a range of different treatments, most of which include staying at our unit for one to four weeks. When we treat children and young adults, parents are a part of treatment. We provide some follow up, though overall we hope to enable people to help themselves, and to need healthcare professionals less. All treatments include exercise, emotional self-management, and looking at goals, plans and routines in the face of pain.

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