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Freedom of Information Act:

Patient & Public Involvement Strategy (PPI)

The Health and Social Care Act 2001 places a legal duty on NHS bodies to make arrangements to consult patients and the public not just when major change is proposed, but in developing that proposal and in decisions that may affect the operation of services.

The Trust uses its website and other channels to inform the public of any proposed service change or significant variation in accordance with this Act of legislation.

In certain circumstances personal or confidential information will be exempt.

The Trust routinely obtains feedback on the services provided to patients and uses this feedback to make any necessary changes.

These include:

  • Concerns raised through Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS)
  • Survey findings (national and local)
  • Comments and suggestion boxes
  • Locality group experiences
  • Patient safety issues
  • Feedback from the Trust's voluntary services teams
  • Concerns raised through formal complaints

Feedback to public and staff on our patient and public experience activities is achieved through the processes and publications listed below, as are compliments, awards and good news stories.

Patient Experience Reports on provided to the Trust Board on a quarterly basis.

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