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Freedom of Information Act:
Our Services

Corporate Communications and Media Releases

The Trust communicates and publishes information relevant and of topical interest to the local health community and provides advice and support to staff on internal and external communications.

Organisational responses to media enquiries and support to other public relations activities is co-ordinated by a Communications and Media Relations Manager

This policy sets out the Trust's procedures for handing media enquiries and at what level help can be provided.

The policy aims to provide help wherever possible taking into account the interests of our patients and the Trust's obligations around patient confidentiality.

The Communications Team contact details and other media related information can be located here:

Our magazine (InSight) that is published quarterly provides news, information and details about forthcoming events.

It is available in the main concourse, elsewhere in the hospital, hospitals, GP surgeries and local libraries.

Media releases are available on line here:

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