Why Choose Us?

Why choose our service?

Our quality driven service is provided by a team of physicians, occupational health nurses and advisors who are highly professional but also approachable. We are not brokers and so can guarantee that referrals will be seen by our own physicians, which also ensures continuity of care.

We work to standards set by the Department of Health and the Faculty of Occupational Medicine. Our physicians undergo Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and participate regularly in Occupational Health forums. All staff undergo regular mandatory training.

Uniquely located

Uniquely based at the Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust, we are committed to best practice and can provide unparalleled assurances in key areas like quality standards, training, insurance, financial standing, equality & diversity, information governance, environment and other policies.

Being based at the RUH also means we have prompt access to wide range of facilities and services. We can also refer your staff to an extensive national network of over 100 colleagues if necessary.

A long-standing client list

Our excellent reputation can be evidenced by our portfolio of long standing clients ranging from small local businesses to large organisations and local authorities in Bath and North East Somerset and Wiltshire.

Our charges reflect the level of professional expertise and provide value for money when you consider the cost of having employees off work. We are not brokers, and hence there are no hidden charges.


For all new enquiries, invoicing or contract queries please email victoriacox@nhs.net or telephone 01225 824095.

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