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Pathology Departments Requesting & Reporting Blood Test Information Phlebotomy Guide Contact us
Info for Patients

Information for Patients

Note to patients seeking results

It is not possible for the pathology department to give results out to patients. For your test results please contact the health professional who requested the test (GP or consultant). They will look at your results and interpret them in relation to your own medical history.

For general information on tests, Lab Tests Online provides a good background to tests and conditions.

Consent for your blood test

By coming to the blood room, to have your blood test, you are agreeing to the phlebotomist bleeding you and then sending your sample to be tested here or at another laboratory. You also consent to processing and storing of your information.

It is important that you fully understand what the phlebotomist is going to do to you and what will then happen to your sample and request form. If you have queries or concerns then please feel free to discuss them with the phlebotomist or contact the laboratory.

The law on consent

See the Department of Health's Reference Guide to Consent for Examination or Treatment for a comprehensive summary of the law on consent.

Patient information

Phlebotomy - A guide to having a blood test

Patient Feedback

Your feedback on the service we have provided is of value to us. Please take a few minutes to complete the feedback form.

In the event you would like to discuss your feedback with use please contact the Pathology Quality Manager on 01225 821770.

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