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Patients & Visitors

Breast Unit

Common Non Cancerous Breast Problems

There are many reasons why women may develop breast related problems and symptoms. Such problems are very common and most of these symptoms will have a harmless cause.

For every 10 women who are referred to the Breast Clinic only 1 will have a breast cancer; most will have a relatively harmless, non cancerous problem.

The common breast symptoms that cause women to seek medical advice and to attend a breast clinic would be:

  1. A lump has been felt within the breast
  2. Breast discomfort or pain (mastalgia)
  3. Problems related to the nipple, such as:
    1. discharge of fluid
    2. a rash
    3. alteration in shape (retraction or inversion)
  4. Infection (mastitis) whilst breast feeding
  5. Infection in the breast for women who are not breast feeding

Common non cancerous conditions that would cause a breast lump:

  1. Fibroadenoma
  2. Breast cyst
  3. Nodularity

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