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Paediatric Oncology

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The service

The RUH paediatric oncology service is based in the Children's unit. We operate a 'shared care' policy with Bristol Royal Hospital for Children as our tertiary centre. All children and young people up to the age of 18 with a suspected malignancy are referred to Bristol for formal diagnosis and consenting onto a treatment plan. The majority of patients then return to us to have their treatment delivered locally.

The Children's unit has a large outpatient area adjacent to the ward. The ward has a play room, school room and adolescent chill-out room for those 12 years and over. We have 4 purpose-built cubicles with en-suite facilities and adjoining parent's room which are used for oncology patients whenever possible.

The service team / Core members of the Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT)

Dr P Bates
Associate Specialist

Dr J Ramachandra
Consultant Paediatrician

Sarah Fay
Paediatric Oncology outreach nurse specialist

Ally Richardson
Paediatric Oncology outreach nurse specialist

Dianne Bartholomew
CLIC Sargent social worker

Carol Jackson
Paediatric lead pharmacist

Extended members of the MDT

Paediatric, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, Psychology Therapist, Play Specialist, Education Liaison, Consultant Radiologist.

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Research – Open Clinical Trials

All children and young people are offered clinical trials when appropriate.

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Other Services

All other applicable services available are given through the core MDT

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Patient Information


Paediatric Oncology - A Guide for Patients and Parents

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Contacts and Links

Dr Ramachandra (secretary)

CLIC office

Paediatric Oncology Clinic:
Wednesdays 9:00am - 12:00pm in the Paediatric Outpatient Department.

The team is available and contactable through:

  • The Children's Unit
    01225 824421
  • The CLIC Office
    01225 824435 (answerphone)

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