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Patients & Visitors

Older People's Unit

Community services

There is access to Consultant liaison for inpatients in all community hospitals and to consultant home visits at the request of a patients’ GP.

Bath and North-East Somerset

Community services in BaNES and Somerset are provided by Dr Alastair Kerr and Dr Sara Evans. 

Dr Kerr visits Shepton Mallett hospital weekly to review patients and participate in multidisciplinary meetings, and holds a monthly general care of the elderly outpatients clinic. He also visits Paulton hospital on a weekly basis.

Patients on the Sulis Unit at St Martin’s hospital in Bath are covered by Dr Sara Evans, who does a ward round once a week.


Community services in Wiltshire are provided by Dr Chris Dyer and Dr Tom Welsh. Dr Dyer covers inpatients at Warminster hospital and visits twice weekly. He also does a weekly clinic at Chippenham for falls and general care of the elderly patients.

Dr Welsh visits Chippenham hospital on a weekly basis, and also holds a weekly general care of the elderly clinics in Chippenham.


Dr Rachel Fewkes provides community services in Somerset.  This consists of weekly ward rounds at Frome community hospital, and also a monthly general care of the elderly clinic at Frome.


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