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Patients & Visitors


Meet the team

Once you have had all your tests your case will be discussed at a Multi-Disciplinary Meeting (MDM) which involves the surgeons, oncologists, radiologists, pathologists and the colorectal nurses and the most appropriate plan of care will be finalised.

Consultant Surgeons

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Associate Specialist Surgeons

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  • Dr Gilby
    01225 824317
  • Dr Rees
    01225 824321
  • Dr. Mancero (Associate Specialist)
    01225 824321
  • Chemotherapy Suite
    01225 824852
  • Radiotherapy Reception
    01225 825910

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A specialist Colorectal Nursing Team provides support and advice for patients diaganosed with bowel cancer.

Located in Grace Penwarden Unit, 2nd floor, Gastro Outpatients Department, RUH Central and they offer:

  • Information – verbal and written re: treatment options e.g. surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy
  • Emotional support
  • A link to the hospital from diagnosis through treatment and follow up
  • Practical advice e.g. help with applying for grants and benefits
  • Liaison with other healthcare professionals e.g. Stoma Nurses
  • Advice re: local support and counselling services
  • Referral to community teams if needed
  • A link to the weekly multi disciplinary meeting – where a group of specialists plan and agree a programme of treatment which is specific to individual patient needs

The Colorectal Cancer Nursing Team can be contacted on telephone: 01225 825836.
The team members are:

  • Siobhan John
  • Lorraine Young
  • Allison Rossiter
  • Lucinda Knight (Colorectal Team Co-ordinator)

Specialist Nurses

There are also specialist nurses, based on Grace Penwarden Unit, 2nd floor, RUH Central, offering the following advice on the following:

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