Safeguarding & Support
Safeguarding and Support
Within RUH Maternity there is a safeguarding team based at the hospital that includes a Named Midwife for Safeguarding and two specialist Support Midwives, who can provide support with any complex social issues you may be experiencing.
There is also specialist support available for learning disabilities.
If we have any concerns that your baby or older children are at risk of harm we have a duty to complete a referral to Children's Social Care in order to put support in place for you and your family.
We also have a dedicated team of community midwives called the Lotus team that can provide longer appointments, continuity of care and home visits for those pregnant women and people that require a higher level of support during their pregnancy and postnatal period.
Below are some links to specialist services:
Financial support and benefits
Drug and alcohol misuse, learning disabilities, mental health support
For information and support regarding domestic abuse in many languages:
24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline (in Spanish, Polish and Arabic):