RUH Bath Birth Centre
RUH Bath Birth Centre

The RUH Bath Birth Centre at the Princess Anne Wing of the Royal United Hospital has eleven delivery rooms. We care for women during their labour and delivery but we also care for women who are having a planned caesarean section along with more complex antenatal and postnatal women.
All delivery rooms at the Birth Centre have en-suite facilities, for the comfort and convenience of our patients. They are fully equipped with modern equipment to care for both mother and baby, including emergency equipment to ensure the safety of women and babies in our care.
Our Delivery Suite Theatres are modern and fully equipped for the use in both planned and emergency caesarean along with some other aspects of care that may be required to be carried out in theatre at the discretion of the medical team.
The Delivery Suite has electronic delivery beds in all rooms designed to aid and assist you in labour. For example, each bed can be adjusted to support several differing positions for labour and delivery. When you arrive, we will show you how to use the panel on the bed to adjust your position.
Welcome to Princess Anne Wing - Information Pack
Overnight stays for partners at the Princess Anne Wing
We offer partners the opportunity to stay overnight after the birth of their baby. The League of Friends recently provided new reclining chairs so that partners can stay more comfortably.
Noreen Hart from the National Childbirth Trust (NCT), which backs the scheme, said: "The option for partners staying for the first night at PAW is an important step in supporting the beginning of a family and the feedback from families is that this has made a huge difference to partners' involvement in their baby's first hours as well as both parents' overall satisfaction with their experience. This is a real feather in the cap for PAW and beautifully demonstrates their commitment to continually improve the service they provide for parents in and around the area."
Parents have been almost universally positive about the opportunity for partners, or another adult family member, to stay the night after a baby is born.
From a mum:
'It was a great help that my husband could stay on the ward with me, especially as I had a surprise delivery at 33 weeks and was worried about my baby. Don't think I could have coped otherwise!'
From a dad:
'All the staff have been very helpful and accommodating - for myself as a new father and for mum. It was great to be able to stay over for the first night - thanks NCT for aiding this pilot scheme. The new reclining chairs came onto the ward the next day - good for snoozing in! The opportunity to stay over was ideal - it would have been so hard to be separated on our first night. Thank you to everyone involved in our baby's care.'