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Patients & Visitors


Maternity Triage


Maternity Triage provides individualised care for those with maternity concerns during their pregnancy or following birth. You can self-refer to Maternity Triage via our Maternity Enquiries line on 01225 826454 or be referred by another health care professional, for example your community midwife or GP.

Those attending Maternity Triage are seen in order of priority based on clinical need. On arrival, you will receive an initial assessment giving you the opportunity to discuss your concerns. We will also take your observations and listen to your baby's heartbeat to help us assess the priority of your ongoing care needs. You will be cared for by our expert team of Midwives who will refer to a Doctor if a further opinion is required.

Whilst we endeavor to provide care as promptly as possible, please be aware that sometimes a visit entails some waiting time.

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