Working for us

RUH New Staff

Welcome to the Royal United Hospitals

Thank you for visiting our site. Here you'll find all you need to know about your recruitment journey and getting started at the Trust.

Your recruitment journey

Everything you need to know about pre-employment checks, ID documents and your contract.

Before you start

Uniform, accommodation, security, information governance and declaration of interest.

Your first day

What to expect, what to bring and essential information about your ID badge and email account.

Induction and Education

Everything you need to know about your induction when you join
the Trust.

Support for you

Occupational Health, Equality & Diversity, Unions, Spiritual Care.

Life at the RUH

Trust values, facilities map, sustainable travel, parking and membership.

Your pay and benefits

Your pay, pension, Electronic Staff Record and benefits for staff.

Our charity

How RUHX makes an impact across the Trust and how to get involved.