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Art at the Heart of the RUH

Art at the Heart supports the RUH Bath with an award winning art and design programme that stimulates healing and well-being and creates an uplifting environment for patients, visitors and staff.

We reach on average 200,000 people per year through exhibitions, commissions, workshops, performances and design. We have a changing exhibition programme of artworks at the RUH and a third from all sales made goes to the RUH Arts Fund.

To buy an artwork: Contact Exhibitions Manager, Tony Smith or contact 01225 824987 with the details of the artwork you would like to purchase.

For more information please visit our website


In January 2016, we embarked on a project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bath War Hospital, as part of the project we have established this website

In September 2019, the new RNHRD and Brownsword Therapies Centre opened at the RUH. A selection of the 18th Century portrait paintings are on public view, as well as RUH and RNHRD history and heritage displays. To find out more about the history of the RNHRD visit

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An illustration of a person holding up a large magnifying glass

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