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Get Involved

Volunteering at the RUH

A vital role

RUH Bath has a proud history of involving volunteers for over 65 years. Our volunteers play a vital role in supporting our patients, carers, visitors and staff. We are so grateful to them for the time they give up and the care and support they offer as part of our team in helping us achieve our goals.

In 2020 RUH Bath launched its first Volunteer Strategy. The vision is "to provide an outstanding volunteering experience, so our volunteers can continue to enhance the experience of our patients, carers and staff".

Our 4 key priorities are:

  1. To provide an outstanding volunteering experience for all our volunteers
  2. Develop new roles in key services where volunteers can enhance patient and staff experience
  3. Increase the number and diversity of our volunteer team
  4. Setting an ambitious future direction for volunteers at the RUH

What do volunteers do at the RUH?

We are keen to involve volunteers in new and innovative ways at the RUH. Here are a few examples of what our volunteers do:

  • Provide Emotional and Social Support - spend time with patients, befriending, providing companionship, sitting and talking or reminiscing
  • Activities - spend time with patients reading, playing games, playing music, supporting patients to engage in hobbies or areas of interest to the patient
  • Facilitate and support groups - such as art and crafts, knitting groups and book groups
  • Help with practical tasks - Working in the cafĂ©, gardening, helping with the ward tea rounds, collecting patient feedback, meeting and greeting patients, supporting vaccination clinics
  • Peer support - in areas such as breast feeding

What type of volunteer are we looking for?

We are looking for confident, reliable, empathetic and enthusiastic people who are over 16 years old. We are keen to involve volunteers from a range of backgrounds and experiences.

Watch our video

Find out more about the vital role our volunteers play. A thank you for RUH staff to all our amazing volunteers.

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Please tell us how we can improve our website

We are currently developing a new website for the RUH, and we'd appreciate your feedback.

Please take a moment to fill out our survey and help us build a website fit for the future.