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News & Media

News & Media

Media enquiries

The Communications Office is open Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm (excluding bank holidays).

The Communications Office address is:
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Combe Park
Bath BA1 3NG.

For media enquiries:

  • during office hours please call 01225 826230 or mobile 07557 756658.
    You can also email

  • outside of office hours, including weekends and bank holidays, please call the hospital switchboard on 01225 428331 who will be able to direct your enquiry appropriately.

Please note: These contact details above are for the press office.

For general public enquiries: please contact Switchboard on 01225 428331 or use the Contact Us page to find the appropriate contact details.

Information for the media

Interviews, filming and photography are prohibited anywhere on the Royal United Hospitals site, without prior permission from the Communications team. To request permission, please use the contact details above. The privacy, dignity and security of our patients is our primary concern.

If you are a member of the press calling to make a condition check please use the media enquiries number above.

Please note that we will require a patient's full name and either the patient's date of birth or postcode for validation purposes. Details about whether a patient is being treated at the hospital or about a patient's condition will be only be shared with the express consent of the patient or the patient's relatives. Without consent, no patient information can be disclosed.

Please see the Freedom of Information pages for details, including how to request information.

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Social media

We share the latest organisational information and news on our official social media channels. These channels are monitored during office hours, 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Image Library

You are welcome to use the images below in connection with media coverage about the Royal United Hospitals Bath – no additional permission is required.

If you would like to request alternative images, please contact the Communications team using the details above.


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An illustration of a person holding up a large magnifying glass

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