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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 9 February 2016

Media Statement

Helen Blanchard, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Infection Prevention and Control on behalf of the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust.

Trust response to coroner's ruling at the inquest into the death of Terence Brooks in July 2015.

"First, and foremost we would like to reiterate our deepest condolences to Mr Brooks' family.

"Shortly before his death in July 2015, Mr Brooks was admitted to the RUH for treatment for his acute medical condition. During his admission he developed signs of Legionnaires' disease. Staff recognised the symptoms of the infection but sadly Mr Brooks deteriorated despite treatment.

"The coroner undertook a comprehensive inquiry to identify the source of the organism which caused Mr Brookes' Legionnaires' disease and the Jury found that the hospital was the source. The Trust accepts the Jury's findings and we would like to offer our sincere and unreserved apologies to Mr Brooks' family.

"The Coroner also heard evidence of a wide range of improvements since July 2015 and the Health and Safety Executive are satisfied that the Trust has fully complied with its improvement notice. In addition, the installation of electronic temperature monitoring at water outlets across patient areas is being rolled out, and plans for a significant refurbishment of the Trust's water system will commence later this month.

"We wish to offer an assurance that we have followed the advice of the expert agencies and continue to take all necessary precautions to ensure our patients and staff are not at risk.

"We will now reflect on the Coroner's recommendation and take the necessary action."


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