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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 9 October 2020

Patients and visitors reminded of hospital visiting restrictions

With more patients now back on site at the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, we're taking the opportunity to remind everyone about the visiting restrictions which remain in place and the importance of not visiting anyone in the hospital if you are unwell yourself or have any COVID symptoms.

Limiting the amount of visitors on site and keeping to social distancing guidelines plays an important role in preventing the spread of infection and keeping everyone at the hospital - patients, visitors and staff - safe.

For the latest information on visiting restrictions please click here:

Key points for patients and visitors to remember are:

  • Inpatients

    Where we are able to support visiting in a safe and manageable way, inpatients can have one visitor a day for up to an hour. To ensure social distancing, visits must be booked with ward teams the day before. There are different visiting arrangements for: End of life patients, vulnerable adults, Maternity, Children's Ward, NICU and patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19.

    Please contact the ward in advance to discuss appropriate arrangements.
  • A&E

    Patients arriving at our A&E department are asked to come on their own.

    We are following social distancing guidelines and, as a result, have less space in our emergency department waiting room.

    You can be accompanied by a partner, family member, friend or carer, if:
    • You are a patient with a physical or mental disability, who cannot attend alone
    • You are under the age of 16
  • Outpatients

    Patients attending outpatient appointments are asked to come alone, unless advised otherwise by a clinician. There are some exceptions for Maternity appointments - find out more

    Child outpatients can be accompanied by one adult and no siblings.

    Outpatients attending the hospital on their own are welcome to phone a family member, carer or friend to listen in via speaker phone, ask questions and support them during their appointment.

Patients and visitors are also reminded to make sure they observe social distancing and wear a face covering at all times. We do recognise that not all patients will be able to wear a face covering, such as young children or those with breathing difficulties. Find out more in our FAQ.

RUH Deputy Medical Director Richard Graham said: "The hospital is getting busier and we've had to make changes to our waiting rooms and public spaces to support social distancing, so we're keen to remind patients and visitors about our ongoing visiting restrictions.

"These restrictions have been put in place following government guidance to make the hospital as safe as possible for everyone so it's really important that they are followed. We are making every effort to minimise the number of people on site and are supporting our staff to work remotely where possible.

"We'd like to thank everyone for their understanding while these visiting restrictions remain in place. We appreciate that it is difficult but we will continue to give our patients the very best care and support and make sure they can be supported by a friend, family or carer whenever possible, even if this is by phone."

We've made a short video reminding patients and visitors about these visiting restrictions, which you can watch here.


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