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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 14 January 2021

RUH elective operations

Following increased COVID-19 pressures on the Royal United Hospital, we have taken the difficult decision to postpone some elective operations. We will continue to provide all cancer, high priority, emergency and trauma services.

This is to allow us to continue to provide care for the increasing numbers of patients coming to us with COVID-19 infection, as well as patients with other serious conditions requiring intensive care unit support.

Postponing such treatments is a decision we never take lightly. We know that patients will be disappointed and we will contact you with a new appointment as soon as we are able to return to normal hospital business. We will contact you if your procedure has been postponed. If you do not hear from us please attend as planned.

Like our neighbouring hospital trusts in Swindon and Salisbury, who have also taken similar steps, we expect pressure on the hospital to continue rising in the coming weeks and we are making plans to manage accordingly. At the same time we are maintaining our important daily activity of outpatient appointments, either virtually or face to face.

There are currently 116 patients receiving care for COVID-19 at the RUH, compared with 62 this time last week. This is significantly higher than at the peak in the early summer last year. With COVID-19 numbers rising in the community, we urge everyone to remain extra vigilant and continue to do all we can to protect each other from this new infectious strain. This means limiting the amount of contact we have with other people, adhering to all the lockdown regulations and continuing to follow the hands, face and space guidance at work and at home.

To get help from NHS 111, you can:

  • visit (for people aged 5 and over only)
  • call 111 for free from a landline or mobile phone (all ages).

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