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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 20 May 2021

Public invited to RUH Bath membership open meeting

Members of the public interested in their local health service are invited to join members of the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust at an online all Constituency Governor and Members' meeting on Monday 24 May.

The virtual meeting will take place between 1.00-3.00pm and will be an opportunity to update on post-COVID-19 activity at the RUH and development plans for the future.

Everyone is welcome and then Trust says it would very much like as many people to attend as possible, so please share this invitation with anyone who you think may be interested.

The Trust says this is a chance for you to hear about its Building Our Future Together programme, its COVID-19 recovery plans and the success of its new Critical Care Follow-Up Clinic, a service that aims to identify any ongoing needs or concerns that patients may have as a result of their stay on Critical Care, such as reduced mobility or loss of independence.

Attendees will be able to ask questions and be updated on everything that has been happening at the RUH over the last few months, as well as plans for the future.

Members and public are encouraged to submit any questions to the Membership Office in advance using the contact details below. Alternatively, there will be live question and answer sessions following each presentation.

You can join from the comfort and safety of your own home via laptop, tablet or smart phone. The event will be held via Microsoft Teams and you can secure your place by emailing or calling 01225 821262 / 826288. You will then be sent joining details and a guide on using Microsoft Teams.

For more information please contact the Membership Office.


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