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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 16 September 2021

RUH says a big thank you to its volunteers

Volunteers at the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Trust have been thanked for their hard work and commitment during the ongoing pandemic.

The hospital held a special get together for volunteers from across the hospital, which was attended by members of the Trust's Executive team.

Cara and Volunteers

The socially-distanced tea party, which was held in the grounds of Lansdown Cricket Club, situated beside the RUH's Combe Park site, was an opportunity for staff to thank the army of volunteers which play a vital role in helping the hospital day to day.

There were speeches and a chance for staff and volunteers to have a chat an enjoy refreshments.

There are more than 400 volunteers at the RUH, some of who have been donating their time for more than 20 years. Together, they provide more than 40,000 hours of volunteering each year.

We are lucky to have a wide range of volunteer roles and organisations supporting us here at the RUH, including Pets as Therapy dogs, Dorothy House Compassionate Companions, the Bath Radio team, Forever Friends and The Friends of the RUH who provide volunteers for their shop and café as well for our wards, spiritual care, welcoming patients and visitors and our gardening volunteers.

Away from the hospital, volunteers have also been supporting the Bath Racecourse COVID-19 vaccination centre, ensuring a smooth process for the people who are vaccinated there each day.

RUH Chief Executive Cara Charles-Barks said: "Our team of volunteers offer so much to the RUH, selflessly donating their time and energy to help us in so many different ways.

"Due to Covid, volunteering has been a bit different over the past year and some volunteering has had to be put on hold, but our volunteers are still so important to what we do.

"We're introducing a new strategy in which will see us recruiting even more volunteers in an even wider variety of roles, and ensuring that our volunteers get the best possible experience with us.

"My heartfelt thanks to all of our volunteers across the hospital – we couldn't do it without you."

If you would be interested in volunteering at the RUH, you can find out more on the Friends of the RUH website - – call 01225 824046 or email


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