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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 25 February 2022

Patients, visitors and staff must continue to wear face coverings at the RUH to help keep everyone safe

All current COVID-19 guidelines will remain in place at the Royal United Hospital's Bath NHS Foundation Trust from Thursday 24 February, when Covid restrictions are removed in England.

This means patients, visitors will still need to wear face coverings, unless they are exempt, and observe social distancing and the one-way systems in place at the hospital. They are also asked not to come to the hospital if they are experiencing COVID-19 symptons.

All staff will continue to wear masks as well as all necessary PPE.

Dr Bernie Marden, Medical Director, said: "Keeping patients and staff safe from COVID-19 is one of our top priorities.

"We know that wearing face masks and social distancing are two of the most important things we can do to stop COVID-19 spreading, so, that's why the recent ending of COVID-19 restrictions don't apply in healthcare settings.

"Patients and visitors are still expected to wear face masks in the hospital unless they're exempt, and we have fully stocked hygiene stations at the doors to help you do this. Our staff will continue to wear face masks and PPE too.

"We treat some very poorly people who are particularly vulnerable to serious illness from COVID-19, so by continuing to follow this guidance you are actively helping to keep people safe.

"I would like to thank all our patients and visitors for their understanding. All the latest COVID-19 guidance is published on the RUH website, so if there's anything you're not sure about please do check before you come in."

Staff will also continue to self-isolate if they have COVID-19 symptoms, a positive lateral flow test or if they are a contact of someone with COVID-19, to help keep everyone at the hospital safe.


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