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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 21 August 2023

Voting now open in RUH public governors election

Voting is now open to elect public governors to the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust.

Public governors play a key role in helping to shape the Trust's services and plans for the future so it is really important that you have your say and vote for the candidate that you think can best represent your views.

Voting is open to all of the RUH's members who signed up to membership before 5pm on 28 July and who live in the following constituencies:

  • Mendip
  • North Wiltshire
  • South Wiltshire
  • Rest of England and Wales

As only one candidate put themselves forward for election in North East Somerset, the election for this constituency will be uncontested.

The role of a Governor is vital in ensuring that the Trust delivers services that meet the needs of patients, carers, staff and local stakeholders, and that the views of local people are heard and fed back to the Board of Directors.

Alison Ryan, Trust Chair, said: "The role of a Public Governor is incredibly important and I would encourage all of our members who are eligible to vote to make sure they do so.

"Governors are the voice of our members and local communities and bring valuable perspectives to our activities to effect real change. This is a really amazing opportunity for you to have your say, so make sure your vote counts."

RUH Members can vote online here:

Voting is open until 5pm on 14 September 2023 and the results will be announced on our website.

If you have any questions, or are unsure whether you are eligible to vote, please contact our Membership Office on 01225 821262 / 826288 or via email at


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