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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 14 March 2024

RNHRD recognised as a Centre of Excellence for treating Paget's disease

Bath's Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases (RNHRD) has been recognised as the first Centre of Excellence in the South West for its treatment of patients with Paget's disease and its research into the condition.

Paget's Association Trustee Amanda Sherwood presenting the Centre of Excellence plaque to members of the RNHRD team
Paget's Association Trustee Amanda Sherwood (centre) presenting the Centre of Excellence plaque to members of the RNHRD team

The coveted honour, from the Paget's Association, recognises the RNHRD's diagnostic and treatment facilities, the clinical expertise of its staff, the number of patients cared for and its involvement in Paget's disease research. Paget's disease affects the normal repair and renewal process of bone and in some cases can cause chronic pain.

At the RNHRD, patients with suspected Paget's disease, and those with a known diagnosis, are seen in a monthly metabolic bone disease clinic supervised by specialist consultants. Scans, x-rays and other necessary investigations such as blood tests can all be done on site, and patients who need treatment receive it on the centre's dedicated infusion unit. The team also includes a nurse specialist and physiotherapy and occupational therapy teams, all of whom help to provide support to patients.

Dr Sarah Hardcastle, Consultant Rheumatologist at the RNHRD, part of the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, said: "We are extremely pleased to be receiving this award in recognition of the care we provide to our patients with Paget's disease, and our involvement in Paget's disease research.

"Our recent research efforts have been supported thanks to a generous legacy donation that was left to the department in 2020. This has been used to fund staff research time and is one of the key reasons we have received this Centre of Excellence accolade.

"We look forward to working with the Paget's Association to continue to improve the outlook for patients with this condition in the future."

Dr Hardcastle and fellow RNHRD consultant Tehseen Ahmed will be co-directors of the Centre of Excellence.

The Paget's Association is a UK charity supporting those affected by Paget's Disease of Bone, funding research and raising awareness. More information can be found at


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