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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 24 October 2024

RUH provides all you knee-d to know about your surgery

Patients having major joint surgery are benefitting from tailored extra support to prepare physically and mentally, thanks to a new initiative at the Royal United Hospitals Bath (RUH) NHS Foundation Trust.

The team from the hospital’s Philip Yeoman ward has created a two-hour fortnightly ‘joint school’ for people having hip and knee replacements to learn more before their operation.

Joint School Team

Up to 15 people per week, plus a friend or relative each, get the chance to meet the team and find out what they can do to prepare, so they can return home after the surgery more quickly and make a faster, stronger recovery. With the right support in place, many patients can even go home the same day.

Senior Sister Nicola Martin said: “Surgery like a hip or knee replacement can feel really daunting, and we know that people often have questions. So, as a team we decided to set something up to give patients the support they need, in the format that they’d like it.

“The sessions are proving really popular and we’re hearing fantastic feedback. It feels good to be able to put people’s minds at rest, and ultimately help people to take control of their own recovery using our simple tips and guidance.

“Topics include things people can do in advance at home so they’re comfortable when they leave hospital, what happens during anaesthesia, the options for pain relief, and important exercises – the ultimate goal is that people go home feeling really informed and reassured.”

The RUH carries out around 20 hip replacements and 20 knee replacements each month, and all non-emergency patients are invited to the joint school sessions. If they can’t attend, the team will arrange a phone call instead, to share the key information and answer any questions.

Representatives from the whole Philip Yeoman team are involved in the classes including doctors, nurses and healthcare support workers, administration colleagues, and physiotherapists and occupational therapists. The venue has been kindly funded by hospital charity Friends of the RUH.

The team’s top pre-surgery tips include practicing simple leg exercises twice a day, following a healthy diet, and planning ahead by stocking the freezer with meals and decluttering the home to remove trip hazards.

After surgery, the team recommends using pain relief to help exercise and movement, eating and drinking well, and making sure to attend post-op check-ups.

RUH Chief Nursing Officer Toni Lynch said: “Listening to how we can support patients in all aspects of their care is of utmost importance.

“We know that when we get that right, that actually helps our patients make the best possible recovery.

“The joint school is a great example of responding to what really matters to the people we care for, and I’m really proud of the team for taking the initiative to introduce it.”

Coming home after surgery?

Here are the Philip Yeoman ward team’s top tips to get your house ready…

1. Reduce your risk of tripping and falling. Move rugs, tidy up clutter, and plug in night lights.
2. Stock your freezer with healthy nutritious ready meals, or make your own in advance
3. Plan ahead to who will support you at home. Have you got a loved one who can regularly check in?
4. Get your medicine cabinet stocked up, including over the counter painkillers 5. Put some ice packs in the freezer, if you may need to reduce swelling


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