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News & Media

Media Release

Date: 14 March 2025

RUH seeks candidates for Non-Executive Director role

A new Non-Executive Director is being sought to join the Board of Directors at the Royal United Hospitals (RUH) Bath NHS Foundation Trust.

Non‐Executive Directors play a crucial role in bringing an independent perspective to the boardroom, in addition to any specific knowledge and skills they may have.

The vacancy is for someone with a professional background or qualification in financial management, and experience of risk management and internal control. Candidates should have experience of working in a regulated environment and of leading or managing significant cultural change in the working environment.

The role has a key focus on financial probity, and includes chairing the Audit committee, but the post holder will also share the board's focus on patient safety and care, and they will need to use their professional skills and perspective to support the governance and strategic development of the Trust. RUH is part of a Provider Group with two other acute hospitals, Great Western Hospital in Swindon and Salisbury Foundation Trust, and joint working between the three to address population health needs is progressing at pace. Non-Executive and Executive Directors have a responsibility to consider issues from this perspective as well as the purely local one.

Candidates should bring experience of operating at Board level and should be able to offer collaborative challenge and strategic advice to provide support, oversight, governance, and leadership in pursuit of the Trust's vision: "The RUH: where you matter".

Alison Ryan, Trust Chair, said: "We're seeking a new Non-Executive Director to join the Trust board and are keen to hear from applicants with a financial background.

"The position requires a dynamic individual who is progressive, ambitious, and driven, with a proven track record of delivery and who is comfortable establishing relationships across the Trust and its complex stakeholder landscapes.

RUH Hospital

"So if you feel you can play a vital role at the centre of the Trust and help to set the direction of the RUH, please do get in touch."

You can find out more information and apply for the position here.

If you meet the skill requirements and would like an informal discussion about the post, please contact Roxy Milbourne, Interim Head of Corporate Governance via email at in the first instance.

Closing date for applications for the position is Sunday 23 March 2025.

Interviews will be held on Thursday 3 April 2025.


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