RUH News
On the move ...
In a drive to improve patient care, a number of wards and patient areas are moving.
The aim of these changes is to ensure that patients are cared for in the best place within the hospital, for example closer to related clinical facilities or to other patients requiring similar levels of care.
These moves will also help the hospital to balance the needs of emergency and elective patients.
Surgical Admissions Unit (SAU):
Has moved from Robin Smith unit, first floor of RUH Central, to the ground floor of RUH South that was occupied by the Medical Short Stay Unit.The surgical admissions unit (SAU) is now nearer to the Emergency Department and the Medical Admissions unit. We have 5 extra beds for the treatment of emergency patients and will now be able to keep a number of high dependency patients on the ward if they need acute care and close monitoring before they are transferred onto Waterhouse ward.
Helena ward (to become MSSU):

Endocrinology & Neurology

This specialty ward for Endocrinology and Neurology patients has moved from first floor RUH South, into Parry Ward on the second floor of RUH West. On Parry Ward we now have a modern ward environment more suited to these patient groups, with 28 beds arranged in a number of bays and side rooms.

Medical Short Stay Unit (MSSU)

Medical Short Stay Unit (MSSU), currently on RUH South ground floor is moving into 'old' Helena Ward, 1st Floor, RUH South on Sunday 28th November. The ward will be renamed and known as MSSU and the name Helena will no longer be used. MSSU will be changing from 8 beds to a 20 bed ward and an extra 10 beds for escalation.