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Cara Charles-Barks, Chief Executive
25 February 2022

Cara Charles-Barks
Cara Charles-Barks
I wanted to write to you this morning to recognise the military attacks that Russia has launched on Ukraine and to say I share your horror at what is unfolding there.

I'm sure you have been deeply affected by the scenes of Ukrainian people attempting to escape their home cities and you are concerned for what this means for Ukraine and indeed the rest of Europe.

To those members of the RUH family who are from Ukraine or still have friends and family there, we are thinking of you and we will support you with whatever you need. Please speak to your line manager or access our health and wellbeing page on the intranet for the support you are entitled to.

The RUH is built on the foundations of our values and compassion and care for other human beings, especially those in their hour of need. You will find a safe and understanding place here should you want to discuss your fears for your country or your loved ones.

If you'd like to show your support for Ukraine and its people, there are a number of charities listed below which are working to donate goods, supplies and humanitarian aid to the country. Here are some examples:

If you know of any other organisations or have other ways to support Ukraine do say so in the comments below Thank you for everything you are doing to make the world a better place and looking after those who need our help – there really isn't anything more important than that in life.

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