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15 July 2022

We are currently experiencing a high rate of COVID-19 cases in the community, This means we’re taking care of more patients with COVID-19 and we have more staff who are COVID-19 positive and unwell or unable to work in their usual role.

To help keep patients, staff and visitors safe and minimise the spread of infection, we restrict movement in and out of wards and bays where patients are COVID-19 positive, we call these areas ‘closed’. However we are pleased to confirm we can support some limited visiting to these areas, when booked in advance.

  • Visiting a closed ward or bay? Please call the ward in advance and book for a maximum of two people per patient for up to two hours
  • Visiting an open ward or bay? Up to two people per patient can visit, you don’t need to book in advance but please check the ward is open before you visit
  • Visiting as a carer of a patient? There are no visiting restrictions but please consider your personal risk of acquiring COVID-19 when visiting a ‘closed’ ward and wear a surgical facemask – these are available on entering the RUH

We ask everyone coming on site to use our hand hygiene stations and wear a mask in clinical areas if you can, and other areas if you wish to. We also strongly encourage you to undertake a lateral flow test and only visit if you are negative and you have no COVID-19 symptoms.

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