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Patients & Visitors

Research & Development


Ageing and Parkinson's

Research aims

We aim to improve the lives of people with Parkinson's disease and older people who may have complex health needs. Some of our studies focus on the symptoms of Parkinson's and other conditions. These can include falls, hallucinations, visual processing and cognitive impairment. The experiences of carers are also an important part of our research. The Research Institute for the Care of Older People (RICE) support us with some of our studies. They have expertise in developing and delivering research in movement and cognitive disorders.

Patient involvement

We often ask people who are older (over 65 years of age) to help us design and direct our research. At times, we seek views from people with experience of a condition such as Parkinson's or dementia. If you would like to hear more about ways in which you can help our research, please get in touch.

For enquires please email or telephone:

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