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Patients & Visitors

Research & Development


Further Information

Super Rehab Research Team:

Dr Ali Khavandi
Dr Jonathan Rodrigues
Dr John Graby
Professor Dylan Thompson
Professor Fiona Gillison

Patient Involvement:

As well as the patients who will be kindly giving their time and consent to participate in our studies, we will be working with patients who have experience of living with heart disease to improve the delivery of our studies and the materials we provide to our patients. We are also looking forward to working with our expert patient team to help spread the results of the research as we come to the end of our studies.

Our Collaborators:

We’re delighted to be working with some fantastic researchers and companies both in the UK and internationally. Professor Dylan Thompson and Professor Fiona Gillison at the University of Bath have an extensive background in leading pioneering research into health and behavioural interventions for which they are internationally recognised and we are fortunate to have established a strong research collaboration between the Royal United Hospitals Bath and the University of Bath.

We have also partnered with Professor Charis Antoniades and his Oxford Translational Cardiovascular Research Group based at the University of Oxford, who are leading the way internationally in developing new imaging technologies that personalise the risks of heart disease to the individual. Their group will be providing analyses to track the changes in heart disease achieved by Super Rehab.

In addition we are also delighted to have partnered with the Health Economics team at the University of Bristol, as well as gained support from companies that will support the imaging to track changes in our patient’s hearts over time – HeartFlow and Circle Cardiovascular Imaging.

Our Supporters:

We’re lucky to have been working with the Royal United Hospitals Bath charity, RUHX, and the community to help support our research. See below how you can help*.

They hosted a “live event” with two members of our research team, Dr Ali Khavandi and Dr John Graby, who talked to former Bath, England and Lions Rugby legend Lee Mears about Super Rehab and our research plans.

Watch the video here

We’re also delighted to announce we have achieved National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) support, who will be funding our first, multi-centre study into the impact of Super Rehab on coronary heart disease.

Contact us

To find out more feel free to contact the team via their email:

Support us

*To support our work through the RUH charity RUHX , click here to donate now

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