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Cancer Services

RUH Cancer Services


About the Dyson Cancer Centre

Patient day room showing access to a private courtyard with a sculpture of swifts in flight at the centre

The RUH provides cancer services to over 500,000 people in the South West and is one of the largest cancer centres in the region.

The purpose built facilities houses oncology, chemotherapy and anti-cancer treatments and radiotherapy services, a 22-bed inpatient ward with a mix of single rooms and four bed bays, a dedicated pharmacy and our research team and nuclear medicine and physics teams.

The centre includes a Macmillan Wellbeing Hub - a non-clinical, calming space where patients, families and carers can receive practical and emotional support. Spread across three floors, the hub includes counselling rooms, complementary therapy spaces, information space, and comfortable accommodation where relatives and loved ones can stay overnight.

The Dyson Cancer Centre will support us to ensure cancer care, treatment, information and support services in our region meet the ever growing demand from people with cancer, their carers and their families. It will help every step of the way through cancer from diagnosis, during treatment, in recovery, and at the end of life.

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