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Patients & Visitors


Birth Reflections

Boat on a lake at sunrise

About the service

The Birth Reflections Service is provided by midwives to allow parents to explore their birth experience and give them the opportunity to clarify events. The feedback is used to facilitate positive changes in maternity care by identifying areas we can improve and by recognising what we are doing well.

The service was set up in response to feedback that women and people who had given birth with us were looking for a greater understanding of their birth and events related to it.

It appeared the best way to address this was to provide a midwife-led service that explored and explained birth events in a friendly environment.

Our contact details

If you would like any further information or to make an appointment, please can contact us on:

To request an appointment, please fill out this form:



About the service

Ocean Service is for women and birthing people who have a GP within BaNES, Swindon or Wiltshire, who are struggling with high levels of emotional distress related to the following perinatal issues:

  • Perinatal loss (including early miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage, stillbirth, termination of pregnancy for any reason and neonatal death)
  • Traumatic birth
  • Tokophobia (severe fear of childbirth) during or before pregnancy (Primips or Multips)

Pregnant women can self-refer and read more about the service here:

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