What to expect

What to expect
Routine appointments
Below are the routine appointments where we need to see you for specific check-ups.We will always personalise your care, if required, to meet yours and your baby's physical and emotional needs.
You can contact us 24/7 for advice and support.
Uncomplicated birth: Postnatal Timetable |
A birth with complications: Postnatal Timetable |
Home within 3 to 6 hours (or midwife has left your home) | In hospital until fit for discharge |
Home visit / appointment on the first day at home to complete the NIPE within the 72 hour window. | Individual care plan based on your needs. However NIPE still needs completing within 72hrs and the newborn screening still needs completing on day 5. |
Contact on day 3 | |
Day 5 appointment for Newborn Screening | |
Day 7 contact (if required) | |
Day 10+ for discharge from maternity services to your health visitor. |