Antenatal Care
Antenatal Care
Due date calculator
Check your approximated due date and gestation below:Carbon Monoxide
A simple breath test at every midwife appointment can ensure you're not being exposed to dangerous levels of Carbon Monoxide, which may harm you and your baby. Find out more from this independent resource.Care during your pregnancy
Congratulations if you have just found out that you are pregnant. To ensure you get the tailored care you need throughout pregnancy, you should register for care with our community midwives, which you can do here. We would like to arrange your Booking appointment by 10 weeks at the latest, so please register when you believe you are around 5-6 weeks pregnant.
You will be given an appointment with the midwife to discuss your medical and social history, your mental health and any pregnancy history. This appointment is called the Booking.
Planning your care
Our friendly team of experienced Midwives will work with you to develop an individualised plan of care. We offer you choice in the type of care you receive, and involvement in the decisions affecting your pregnancy, childbirth and care after your baby is born.
To help this process you will have a named Midwife/Obstetrician throughout your pregnancy.
We follow the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines to ensure you receive the best standard of care during your pregnancy and birth.