Patients & Visitors



About us

For GPs

Information and advice about how to access our services.

We provide specialist and general rheumatology services for conditions including: rheumatoid arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, psoriatic arthritis, connective tissue diseases, osteoporosis/metabolic bone disease, and osteoarthritis.

We have therapy led services for fibromyalgia syndrome.

Our expert team of clinical colleagues use their well-established expertise to provide specialist services on an inpatient, day-case, outpatient and outreach basis in rheumatological and musculoskeletal medicine for adults, children and adolescents.

Rheumatology - Frequently Asked Questions

Clinic Assessment Patient User Guide

Patient Initiated Follow-Up Long Term Condition (PIFU-LTC)

Inhealthcare platform

The Inhealthcare platform provides a way for you to complete your health forms and access support outside of your rheumatology appointments. The information collected is used to help make shared healthcare decisions and ultimately provide better care for you and your condition.

To access the Inhealthcare platform along with lots of other resources, please click here:

Rheumatology research

Our research activity runs across all aspects of the specialty including axial sponyloathropathy, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and connective tissue diseases such as systemic sclerosis, lupus and myositis.

Rheumatology advice line

For existing patients, please use this form for answers to frequently asked questions or to request a call back:

Alternatively, you may call the Patient Rheumatology Advice line between hours of 9.00am - 3.00pm, Monday to Friday: 01225 821611

Before you contact us, please take a look at our frequently asked questions.

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We are currently developing a new website for the RUH, and we'd appreciate your feedback.

Please take a moment to fill out our survey and help us build a website fit for the future.