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Hospital Heroes

Do you know of someone who is a 'Hospital Hero'? Someone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty or made you, or a friend or relative feel especially well cared for whilst at the hospital?

The Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust wants to find that special member of staff and make them our Hospital Hero for 2011. The winner will be presented with their prize at the Trust’s annual awards night at the end of January.

If you know someone who you think deserves to be recognised for the work they do, the effort they make or the care they gave, please complete the nomination form below.

Nomination Form
Job Title: 
Ward or Dept, if known: 

In no more than 100 words, tell us why you think this person deserves the award:

Telephone number: 
If yours is the winning nomination, it's likely you may be included any publicity. Please tick if you do not wish to be included.
Closing date for entries: 10th January 2012

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