Media Release
Date: 29 January 2020
Top award for the RUH's neonatal unit
The RUH's Dyson Centre for Neonatal Care is celebrating being awarded Unicef's prestigious Baby Friendly accreditation – one of only six neonatal units in England and Wales to achieve the accolade.

The accreditation was awarded to the unit in recognition of its work to protect, promote and support breastfeeding while strengthening mother-baby and family relationships.
Unicef's assessors visited the hospital earlier this month to carry out a two-day inspection of the unit. They said: "It was clear to the assessment team that parents with a baby on the neonatal unit receive a very high standard of care.
"Parents were overwhelmingly positive about the kind and compassionate care they have received whilst on the unit and the facilities that the Dyson Centre for Neonatal Care is able to provide.
"The staff have demonstrated that they are creating a culture where the baby and the family are at the centre of everything they do."
The assessment team also praised the work being done to improve the facilities for parents, including fold-down beds for use beside cots, adjustments to the furniture in the quiet room to make it more inviting for families, the creation of a 'sitting room', the provision of a privacy screen and motivational pictures and words from previous families.
Of the mums interviewed by the assessment team, 93% said they were 'very happy' with the care from the neonatal unit.
Sarah Goodwin, Quality and Education Neonatal Senior Sister, said: "We are thrilled to receive this accreditation, which reflects all the great work that staff on the unit have achieved.
"In what is the international Year of the Nurse and Midwife, being awarded Baby Friendly accreditation underlines our commitment to providing parents and their children with the very best care possible."
Baby Friendly Initiative Programme Director Sue Ashmore said: "We are delighted that the RUH's Dyson Centre for Neonatal Care has achieved full Baby Friendly status.
"Surveys show us that most mothers want to breast feed but don't always get the support they need. Mothers at the Dyson Centre for Neonatal Care can be confident that staff will provide high standards of care."