Urology |
Uro-gynaecology Clinic
Uro-Gynaecology Clinic
This clinic is for the investigation and treatment of women with urinary incontinence. Patients are seen by a consultant Urologist (Mr Tim Bates) and/or a consultant Gynaecologist (Miss Aysha Qureshi or Miss Zoey Robinson).
Patients are assessed by one of the doctors and if it is felt necessary may undergo investigation on the same visit. Urodynamic investigation (see separate patient information sheet) is used to diagnose the cause of incontinence and guide treatment. If it is felt a patient would benefit from this investigation it can be performed in the department allowing a "one-stop" service.
The Uro-Gynaecology clinic is in department D3 (Gynaecology outpatients) on the ground floor of the Princess Anne Wing.
If you have any problems with the appointment you have been sent or any other questions please phone the clinic reception on 01225 824646