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Patients & Visitors


Areas of Clinical Excellence:

What is urology?

Urology is a surgical speciality dealing with the urinary tract of males and females (kidney, ureters, bladder and urethra) as well as the male reproductive system. However, 80% of the patients we are referred do not need surgery as medical treatments are available for many of the conditions we treat.

What urological services are available at the Royal United Hospital?

We provide diagnosis and treatment for most urological problems. We have surgeons who specialise in the treatment of stone disease, urological cancer, laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery, benign prostate disease, incontinence and children's urology. Some patients requiring major surgery (e.g. bladder removal for cancer, partial nephrectomy or more complex children's surgery) are referred to Bristol.

How to access our services

We can only accept referrals from General Practitioners or from other hospital specialists. If you have a urological problem you need to consult your GP who will refer you to the hospital.

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